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A Fall Out Boy Concert of EPIC Proportions - Dec 16th 9pm | 8c

Views: 3538
Posted by fusevids
16 years ago
Tags: fall, out, boy, FUSE, FOB, folie, a, deux, live, concert, exclusive, pete, wentz, patrick, stump, emo, pop, punk, ashlee, simpson, chicago, clandestine, the, academy, is, fueled, by, ramen, FBR, bronx, mowgli, william, beckett, infinity, on, high, dont, care, America's, Suitehearts, babyface

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Attention all Fall Out Boy fans: Fuse has an early X-mas present just for you! The boys are launching their new album, Folie a Deux, with a face melting live concert, and we're giving you a front row seat to the fun! Tune in Tues, Dec 16, at 9PM ET|PT , for a full hour of Fall Out Boy live concert goodness featuring a sneak peek at their new album, including the hit single "I Don't Care".

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